3 Reasons Why Small Bloggers Need to Attend #NYFW

Why Smaller Bloggers Need to Attend NYFW - Quartz & Leisure

Why You Need to Attend Fashion Week as a Small Blogger - Quartz & Leisure

{{ shop my look}}

Why You Need to Attend Fashion Week as a Small Blogger - Quartz & Leisure

Ok so I actually survived my first Fashion Week. As I said in my NYFW Recap post, I was extremely nervous before going, and being a small/new blogger, I wasn’t sure if I even should go. Like, do I even belong here?

Well, I am here to tell you that, YES, you do belong at NYFW and YES, even as a small blogger, you need to go. And, I might add, for small bloggers, NYFW is really not about the runway shows at all.

Keep reading for my top 3 reasons you need to attend fashion week as a small blogger.

Why Smaller Bloggers Should Attend NYFW - Quartz & Leisure

Why Smaller Bloggers Need to Attend NYFW - Quartz & Leisure


I cannot stress how important networking is to do, especially as a small blogger. Prior to NYFW I had never met another blogger in real life, nor had I attended any blogging events before. I mean, I had attended tons of brand meetings, showrooms and trade shows in my years working in the fashion industry, but somehow this was just different.

So, yes, I was nervous not knowing what to expect, but I was also excited because I could finally meet some people who actually understand what I am doing.

With blogging being such a new industry, not many people “get” it yet, but it was so energizing being around other like-minded ladies who not only understood the job, but also the struggle of what we all go through on a daily basis. And the fact that taking non-stop selfies in public was an acceptable thing to do was a relieving (if not comical) bonus.

I mean, does anyone else get shy walking around your city, holding the phone up high and talking to yourself while doing an Instagram story? (OR maybe that’s just me?) But during NYFW there are no worries about that because everyone else is doing the same thing. Total norm. These people get it.

We are here to create interesting content, to let people into our lives, and let others get a behind the scenes look at things many will never have the opportunity to experience themselves. I, admittedly, am not the best at this, but I am trying to get better at the daily video content because I know it’s what people want to see. I’ve even be looking at getting myself on TikTok, as that seems to be getting super-popular at the moment, and I could even look into something like this TokMatik TikTok likes service to give me a little help when it comes to getting a good following from the beginning so that as many people will see my videos as possible.

Why Smaller Bloggers Need to Attend NYFW - Quartz & Leisure

Anyway, I found NYFW to be an amazing place to network with other bloggers like myself. There is networking to be done at literally every turn. Waiting in line for shows, sitting at the shows, visiting PR companies, brand parties, on the street outside venues, etc. The list is endless. And I found that about 95% of the time people at the shows were also alone and more than happy to have someone new to talk to and exchange Instagram handles/follows with. (Except for my first NYFW event ever, where I was totally unprepared and basically found myself alone at a club, after which I made it my mission to talk to people and make friends).

And then when you become more friendly with the girls you meet, you can really start to open up and talk about the more complicated things that frustrate you as a blogger on a daily basis: the IG algorithm, how to increase engagement, what’s the deal with loop giveaways, etc etc.

All of this information is SO valuable. I cannot stress enough how important it is to have a group of blogger besties that you can bounce information off of, ask questions to, and just generally vent about x-y-z to. Because we all have a lot of venting to do. (Or again, is that just me?)

Why Smaller Bloggers Need to Attend NYFW - Quartz & Leisure

Brand Meetings

Another important reason to attend NYFW as a small blogger is so you can potentially set up meetings with your favorite brands while you’re visiting NYC.

Some brands may reach out to you beforehand and invite you to events or meetings, but if they don’t, make a list of all the brands you’ve worked with before (or are interested in working with) and send them an email. Simply say that you will be in town for NYFW and would love to set up a meeting to introduce yourself in person. Trust me, these face-to-face meetings go a long way.

It also sends a message to the brand that says you’re serious about what you’re doing. You’ve spent a lot of time, money, and resources putting this trip together and you’re here to make it happen.

You should also try and make appointments with any PR firms you’ve worked with in the past, or influencer agencies you’ve done campaigns with, too. It always helps them to put a face with a name, and they are more likely to remember you for their next campaign, over someone who didn’t make the effort to squeeze them in while at NYFW.


So, here we go, finally some talk about fashion! If you’re a fashion or style blogger and do not feel an overwhelming sense of inspiration at NYFW, well then I think you better find a new career path.

There is SO MUCH inspo everywhere you turn. From high end to affordable, everyone brings their A-game during this week. I actually had no clue what to wear or what outfits to bring so I admittedly didn’t sport my A-game looks (no idea what I was thinking here-like what was I saving them for?).

But if you’re like me, someone who generally feels overdressed/out of place at events on a daily basis, then fashion week is for you! It’s the time when you can bring out your craziest, most fashionable ensemble and not get weird looks from people on the street for it. Trust me, there will always be someone wearing something crazier than you.

I went super conservative on the first couple of days because I didn’t want that people-staring-at-me feeling during my first blogger encounters. I felt like trying to blend in would be better….WRONG. As someone who usually never “blends in” with my fashion choices, this made me feel even more out of place. So just be yourself! (But be “yourself” in your most daring/fashion-y way!)

I guess I could have easily done a quick search on Instagram to see what people were wearing last year, but for some reason that thought never crossed my mind (and I had very little time to plan outfits since I had just gotten back from Italy the week prior and everything was super hectic – so I’ll use that as my excuse!)

Why Smaller Bloggers Need to Attend NYFW - Quartz & Leisure

I plan on doing a whole post on what to wear to NYFW soon, but for now just know that your most outrageous, fashion forward outfits are best. And no matter how crazy you think it looks, there will always be someone with a more ostentatious look than you.

So those fringe/ruffle/flare pants and off shoulder beaded sequin top you could never be caught dead wearing in your small hometown? Bring those. All of them. Bring them now and wear them all at once, dammit.

I felt so inspired after the week, not only in fashion, but basically everything in life.

Inspired to do better, work harder, and create more valuable content that others want to read. Inspired to put myself out there and try to make my blog the best it can be (still working on that part, lol). But the inspiration is there. And being in the NYFW environment with other blogger babes who are just as excited to do the same thing as I am got my senses buzzing. What comes next? So. Many. Ideas.

So, yes, I highly recommend that all bloggers, big or small, attend NYFW. If you’ve read my previous post recapping my week at NYFW and still have questions about my experiences there, please leave me a comment below or send me an email at quartzandleisure@gmail.com and I will do my best to answer any questions you may have!

I also plan on doing a post on exactly how bloggers of all sizes can attend NYFW, so if you want to be the first to know, be sure to subscribe to the Quartz & Leisure newsletter or follow me on: Instagram, Twitter & Pinterest! ?

Thanks for reading!


Why Smaller Bloggers Need to Attend NYFW - Quartz & Leisure

Why Small Fashion Bloggers Need to Attend Fashion Week - Quartz & Leisure

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    1. Thank you, Briana! Hope you enjoyed the post 🙂

  1. Hi Marissa,
    Thanks for sharing your input! I’m just starting out as a blogger and definitely want to attend NYFW. Looking forward to your post on how to attend NYFW as I feel like I need all the tips I can get!